Benefits of Becoming Involved!
Leadership Opportunities:
Membership in Synapse offer students many opportunities to develop their leadership potential. Synapse provide training in the principles of leadership, as each member is actively involved in decision making processes. Students are encouraged to utilize their leadership talents both on and off campus.
Alumni Networking:
Synapse maintains active alumni relationships, which offer amazing opportunities for career networking and mentoring. This assists members in attaining their academic potential.
Social and Recreational Involvement
Many of your fondest college memories will be developed through social interaction. Synapse provides the chance to make new friends and have fun. Examples of our activities include Brain Awareness Week (coming up in November), community service with the North Chicago Outreach program, conferences, and Student Symposium, just to name a few…
2017-2018 Synapse Executive Board
Rosemary Thomas ’18: Co-President
Krista Meuli ’18: Co-President
Michael Buabeng ’18: Vice President
Anna Sandler ’20: Treasurer
Mohini Verma ’18: Director of Communications and Records
Robin Redmond ’19: Director of Programming
Trevor Buhr ’18: Web Manager
Tiffany Davis ’18: Director of Membership
Brain Awareness Week Committee
- Nena ’20
- Tiffany ’18
- Danielle ’20
- Joe ’20
- Sam ’20
Seminar and Outreach Board
- Rebecca ’19
- Ariane ’20
- Anna ’20
- Sabrina ’18
Collaborations Board
- Leena ’20
- Schuyler ’18
- Michael ’19
- Yoan ’19
- Michelle ’20
- Liza ’18
Current Members
Mohini Verma ’18:
“Synapse is a great way for students to spread their wings in the science field. This organization has sponsored various on-campus events, which are always exciting. Synapse allows students to discover the all-encompassing field of neuroscience.”
Nikki Hueng ’18:
“I joined synapse to help reach out to the community and those not as heavily involved in the sciences to learn and get excited about the field of neuroscience.”