

Major and Minor in Art

Students majoring in art choose between three tracks: art history, new media art and design, or studio art. Regardless of track, courses taken with the Pass-NoPass option may not count towards any major or minor in Art and Art History.

The Art and Art History Department enacted the new Major in Art: New Media and Design in Fall 2023. Art: New Media and Design is not available as a Minor.  The Major in Art: Studio Art was redesigned in 2021. The new requirements will apply to all students who matriculate in Fall Semester 2021 and thereafter (see College Catalog pdf archives for the Art: Studio Art major requirements before Fall 2021).  The Minor in Art: Studio Art as well as the Major and Minor in Art: Art History have not changed.

Requirements for the Major:

Art History Track

The Art History Track requires a minimum of 10 courses. At least 3 courses must be at the 300- or 400-level, and must not double-count for any other major or minor. A grade of C or better is required for all art history courses counting toward the major.

Required Courses:

  The following should be taken in the first or second year:

  • ArtH 110: Introduction to Visual Arts and Design
  • Art 130: Elements of Design
  • Art 131: Drawing OR Art 232 Drawing from Nature

Three period survey courses:

  •  Choose at least one from Ancient to Renaissance:

ArtH 205: All That Glitters: Byzantine Art

ArtH 210: Art of the Ancient Mediterranean World

ArtH 211: Medieval Art

ArtH 212: Italian Renaissance Art

ArtH 223: Northern Renaissance Art, or the Greece Program

ArtH 380: Renaissance Art and Domesticity

ArtH 383: Hell, Damnation and Romanesque Art

Arth 385: Art, Power and Wealth in the Global Middle Ages

  • Choose at least one from Early Modern to c. 1900:

ArtH 215: Reformation to Revolution 1600-1800

ArtH 217:  Nineteenth Century Art

ArtH 219: American Art

ArtH 224:  History of Prints

ArtH 226: Colonial Latin American Art

ArtH 282: Depicting Difference: Images of the Racial and Religious ‘Other’ in Western Art

ArtH 321: Photography and its Cultural Effects: The Evolution of a Medium and Questions of Representation, 1860-1900

  • Choose at least one from the 20 th or 21 st century:

ArtH 218: Twentieth Century Art

ArtH 222: History of Photography

ArtH 355: The Art of the Sixties

ArtH 360: Contemporary Art

ArtH 361: Topics in Contemorary Art

Three Art History electives:

  • Choose at least three from:

ArtH 200: Survey of New Media in Art, Design, Technology and Culture

ArtH 201: Writing Art Criticism

ArtH 202: Photography of the Street

ArtH 205: All That Glitters: Byzantine Art

ArtH 206: Chinese Art and Culture

ArtH 210: Art of the Ancient Mediterranean World

ArtH 211: Medieval Art

ArtH 212: Italian Renaissance Art

ArtH 215: Reformation to Revolution 1600-1800

ArtH 217: Nineteenth Century Art

ArtH 218: Twentieth Century Art

ArtH 219: American Art

ArtH 220: History of Architecture

ArtH 221: Modern Architecture

ArtH 222: History of Photography

ArtH 223: Northern Renaissance Art

ArtH 224: History of Prints

ArtH 225: American Architecture

ArtH 226: Colonial Latin American Art

ArtH 238: Curating an Art Collection

ArtH 239: Museum Histories and Practices

ArtH 245: Indigenous Arts of the Americas

ArtH 280: Architecture in East Asia

ArtH 282: Depicting Difference: Images of the Racial and Religious ‘Other’ in Western Art

ArtH 286: Topics in Islamic Art

ArtH 306: Buddhist Arts of Asia

ArtH 320: Landscape and Representation

ArtH 321: Photography and its Cultural Effects: The Evolution of a Medium and Questions of Representation, 1860-1900

ArtH 323: Monuments and Memory

ArtH 325: Women, Art and Society

ArtH 326: Gender Identity in Modern Art

ArtH 338: Museum/Gallery Practicum

ArtH 355: The Art of the Sixties

ArtH 360: Contemporary Art

ArtH 361: Topics in Contemorary Art

ArtH 380: Renaissance Art and Domesticity

ArtH 383: Hell, Damnation and Romanesque Art

ArtH 385: Art, Power and Wealth in the Global Middle Ages

Senior Seminar in Art History:

  • All Art History Track Majors must take ArtH 485 Seminar: Means and Methods of Art Historians in the Fall Semester of their senior year.

Senior Thesis in Art History

Exceptional students may choose to undertake a Senior Thesis in Art History, ArtH 494, directed by a member of the faculty. Proposals must be submitted in the semester before the one in which the thesis is to take place, and must be approved by the faculty member directing it and by the Chair of the Department. ArtH 494 is taken for one credit in the Spring Semester of senior year, only after completion of ArtH 485. Students earning distinction on their Senior Thesis, and graduating with a GPA of 3.5 or better within the major will be awarded honors in the Department of Art and Art History.

Art history track majors planning to go on to graduate study are advised to acquire a reading knowledge of at least one foreign language, preferably French or German.

Studio Art Track

The Studio Art Track requires a minimum of 10 courses and two portfolio reviews. At least 3 courses must be at the 300- or 400-level, and must not double-count for any other major or minor. A grade of C or better is required for all studio art courses counting toward the major.

Required Courses:

The following core courses:

  • Art 130: Elements of Design
  • Art 131: Drawing OR Art 232 Drawing from Nature
  • Art 142: Digital Design Foundations
  • ArtH 110: Introduction to Visual Arts and Design
  • Art 233: Sculpture OR Art 239 Applied 3D Design and Fabrication OR Art 334: Installation Art
  • One Art History course in 20 th Century or Contemporary Art:  

ArtH 218: Twentieth Century Art OR ArtH 360: Contemporary Art OR ArtH 361: Topics in Contemorary Art

  • One Art History Elective:

Choose one from:

ArtH 200: Survey of New Media in Art, Design, Technology and Culture

ArtH 201: Writing Art Criticism

ArtH 202: Photography of the Street

ArtH 205: All That Glitters: Byzantine Art

ArtH 206: Chinese Art and Culture

ArtH 210: Art of the Ancient Mediterranean World

ArtH 211: Medieval Art

ArtH 212: Italian Renaissance Art

ArtH 215: Reformation to Revolution 1600-1800

ArtH 217: Nineteenth Century Art

ArtH 218: Twentieth Century Art

ArtH 219: American Art

ArtH 220: History of Architecture

ArtH 221: Modern Architecture

ArtH 222: History of Photography

ArtH 223: Northern Renaissance Art

ArtH 224: History of Prints

ArtH 225: American Architecture

ArtH 226: Colonial Latin American Art

ArtH 238: Curating an Art Collection

ArtH 239: Museum Histories and Practices

ArtH 245: Indigenous Arts of the Americas

ArtH 280: Architecture in East Asia

ArtH 282: Depicting Difference: Images of the Racial and Religious ‘Other’ in Western Art

ArtH 286: Topics in Islamic Art

ArtH 306: Buddhist Arts of Asia

ArtH 320: Landscape and Representation

ArtH 321: Photography and its Cultural Effects: The Evolution of a Medium and Questions of Representation, 1860-1900

ArtH 323: Monuments and Memory

ArtH 325: Women, Art and Society

ArtH 326: Gender Identity in Modern Art

ArtH 338: Museum/Gallery Practicum

ArtH 355: The Art of the Sixties

ArtH 360: Contemporary Art

ArtH 361: Topics in Contemorary Art

ArtH 380: Renaissance Art and Domesticity

ArtH 383: Hell, Damnation and Romanesque Art

ArtH 385: Art, Power and Wealth in the Global Middle Ages

Two elective studio art courses at the 300-level or higher

Senior Seminar in Studio Art:

All Studio Art Track Majors must take Art 480 Senior Seminar in Studio Art in the Fall Semester of their senior year.

Portfolio Review:

The portfolio review requirement will consist of a review of the student’s work at two levels, and not for college credit. 

The junior-level review is intended to place students on a track towards professional and/or academic success and ensures a clear pathway towards the student’s final portfolio review.

The graduating senior will have a final portfolio review in the semester they intend to graduate. Students at this point in their studies will be required to have a CV and a portfolio suitable for future endeavors in professional fields or graduate studies.

Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty will collectively review portfolios submitted by students and assign a Pass/NoPass grade. Students will have to receive grades of 'Pass' in both portfolio reviews before they receive their degrees.

Senior Thesis in Studio Art:

Exceptional students may choose to undertake a Senior Thesis in Studio Art, Art 494, directed by a member of the faculty. Proposals must be submitted in the semester before the one in which the thesis is to take place, and must be approved by the faculty member directing it and by the Chair of the Department. Art 494 is taken for one credit in the Spring Semester of senior year, only after completion of Art 480. Students earning distinction on their Senior Thesis, and graduating with a GPA of 3.5 or better within the major will be awarded honors in the Department of Art and Art History.

Requirements for the Minor:

The Art and Art History Department offers a minor in two tracks.  Either track requires a minimum of 6 courses. Both the studio art track and art history track will require a C (2.0) average across all courses counted toward the minor, with a minimum of a C- in each of those courses.

Art History Track
  • ArtH 110
  • Art 130 OR Art 232
  • At least 1 additional studio art course
  • At least 3 additional art history courses
Studio Art Track
  • ArtH 110
  • Art 130 OR Art 232
  • At least 1 additional art history course
  • At least 3 additional studio art courses

New Media Art and Design Track

The Major in Art: New Media Art and Design Track requires a minimum of 10 courses and two portfolio reviews. At least 3 courses must be at the 300- or 400-level, and must not double-count for any other major or minor. A grade of C or better is required for all art courses counting toward the major.

Required Courses (5):

  • ArtH 110: Introduction to Visual Arts and Design
  • Art 130: Elements of Design
  • Art 142: Digital Design Foundations
  • ArtH 200: Survey of New Media in Art, Design, Technology and Culture
  • Art 239: Applied 3D Design and Fabrication

A four-course specialization (4) from one of the following options:

2-D Design:

  • Art 253 Graphic Design
  • Art 353 Advanced Graphic Design
  • A 1.0 credit internship in an appropriately related field
  • One of the following:
    • Art 240 Digital Photography
    • Art 245 Digital Art
    • Art 340 Advanced Digital Photography
    • Art 345 Advanced Digital Art
    • Comm 212 Visual Rhetoric
    • A 1.0 credit Creative Project
    • A 1.0 credit Senior Thesis

3-D Design and Fabrication:

  • Art 233 Sculpture
  • Art 339 Advanced Applied 3D Design and Fabrication
  • A 1.0 credit internship in an appropriately related field
  • One of the following:
    • Art 333 Advanced Sculpture
    • Art 334 Installation Art
    • Thtr 260 Design: Stage and Screen
    • A 1.0 credit Creative Project
    • A 1.0 credit Senior Thesis

4-D Time-Based Media:

  • Art 243 Video, Sound, and Electronic Art
  • Art 343 Advanced Video, Sound, and Electronic Art
  • A 1.0 credit internship in an appropriately related field
  • One of the following:
    • Art 240 Digital Photography
    • Art 334 Installation Art
    • Art 340 Advanced Digital Photography
    • Cine 200 Film Editing
    • Cine 201 Narrative Filmmaking
    • Cine 202 Documentary Filmmaking
    • Comm 212 Visual Rhetoric
    • Thtr 224 Performance Art
    • Thtr 260 Design: Stage and Screen
    • A 1.0 credit Creative Project
    • A 1.0 credit Senior Thesis

Capstone Course (1)

  • Art 480 Senior Seminar in Studio Art

Students in the New Media Art and Design track will be required to take ART 480 alongside students in the Studio Art track. In planning this curriculum, the department wants cross-pollination of ideas and a development of a sense of community amongst all our majors. This course encourages students to create focus and clarity in their art as well as look at the whole of their art and design trajectory both through studio practice and the development of a portfolio.

There is no minor available in Art: New Media Art and Design.  Students interested are encouraged to seek either a Minor in Art: Studio Art or a Minor in Digital Media Design.

Recommended Courses for New Media Art and Design Track 

We have contacted department chairs throughout the college to receive their input on having a list of courses that would add substantially to the trajectory of an New Media Art and Design student. The materials and subjects of these courses are relevant in the pursuit and understanding of interdisciplinarity and collaboration in academic fields and professional settings. These are not part of the tracks however we want to encourage students to build solid connections between our field and the substantive educational opportunities these classes offer in reference to the world that surrounds us.

Theory and History Courses

 Some courses in this list require prerequisites; consult the course catalog or the corresponding department website for details.

AFAM 215: Afrofuturism
AFAM 228: History of Hip Hop
AFAM 284: Music of Protest
ASIA 185: Film and Religion
ASIA 204: Tpcs: Japn Animism, Anime and Manga
ASIA 220: Islam and Pop Culture
CINE 175: Introduction to Film Studies
COMM 274 Visual Chicago
COMM 281: Media and Society
COMM 285: Modern Media History
COMM 287: Media Systems and Institutions
HIST 368: Museums and Exhibitions
HIST 235: American Cities
LNAM 303: Paisajes sonoros de América Latina 
MUSC150: Fundamentals of Music
PHIL 258: Fight the Power
PHIL 260: Aesthetics
SOAN 209: Social Construction of Modern World
SOAN 237: City, Space and PlaceES 217: Society, Climate Change, & Enviro.

Theory and Practice

 Some courses in this list require prerequisites; consult the course catalog or the corresponding department website for details.

ART 285: Creative Arts Entrepreneurship
CSCI 107: Introduction to Web Programming
CSCI 270: Web Development
ENGL 200: TusitalaENGL 399: Inter-Text Journal
ENTP 260: Develop, Protect & Monetize IP.
ENTP 270: E&S Ventures I: Product-Market Fit
ENTP 325: Design Thinking & Digital Marketing
ES 229: Art and Environment
ETHC 261: Art of Social Change
JOUR 200: Journalism Practicum: The Stentor
MUSC 220: Songwriting: Form & Analysis
MUSC 251: Music Theory IMUSC 252: Music Theory II
MUSC 225: Intro to Electronic Music
MUSC 325: Adv Electronic Music
PHYS 106: Light, Sound, and Waves
PHYS 240: Electronics
THTR 200: Production Practicum