
Student Publications

“Economic Tides and Merger Waves: Insights from a Long-Run Perspective” Tilahun Emiru and Sara Weisblatt (’23), Studies in Economics and Finance, 2024.

“Did the Implementation of Government Mandates Reduce COVID-19-Related Mortality Rates?" Anthony DerManulian ‘23 and Tilahun Emiru, American Journal of Biomedical Science and Research, 2024. 

“An Analysis of Pet Food Labels,”  Sonny Valcin ’16, Robert Lemke, William Burkholder, Charlotte Conway, and Amy Lando,  Journal of Consumer Affairs, 2015.

“An Analysis of Student Achievement and Measures of Growth under No Child Left Behind,” Alexis Yusim ’15Undergraduate Economic Review, 2015.

“Explaining Game-to-Game Ticket Sales for Major League Baseball Games Over Time,” Elise Beckman ’13, Wenqiang Cai ’13, and Rebecca Esrock ’13 with Robert Lemke, Journal of Sports Economics, 2012. 

“State Income Tax Credits for Conservation Easements: Do Additional Credits Create Additional Value?,”  Chao Yang ’11 with Jeff Sundberg, State Tax Notes, 2012.

“Estimating Attendance at Major League Baseball Games for the 2007 Season,” Matt Leonard ’11 and Kelly Tlhokwane ’11, with Robert Lemke,  Journal of Sports Economics., 2010.

“A Tale of Two Stadiums: Comparing the Economic Impact of Chicago’s Wrigley Field and U.S. Cellular Field,”  Mariaya Nikolova ’07 with Robert Baade and Victor Matheson, Geographische Rundschau International Edition, 2007

“The Pattern of Convergence of Eastern German Labor Markets to Western Standards Post-Unification,” Katie Lipo ’06Undergraduate Economic Review, 2006.

“Can No Child Left Behind Close the Gaps in Pass Rates on Standardized Tests?,” Claus Hoerandner ’06 with Robert Lemke, Contemporary Economic Policy, 2006.

“Student Assessments, Non-Test-Takers, and School Accountability,” Claus Hoerandner ’06 and Robert McMahon ’06, with Robert Lemke,  Education Economics, 2006.

“Economics BA’s and PhD’s from Liberal Arts Colleges: Do Degree Requirements or Faculty Scholarship Matter?,” Ted Barzeb ’07 and Veska Suleva ’07 with Linna Filipova and Robert Lemke, ERN Educator Working Paper Series, 2004 (SSRN Abstract 654241).

“An Analysis of Major League Baseball Attendance, 1969–1987,” Laura Tiehen ’90 with Robert Baade,  Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 1990.