
Sociology and Anthropology

Jessie Miller

Jessie Miller

Lecturer in Sociology and Anthropology

Sociology and Anthropology


Race/Ethnicity, Whiteness, and Bi+ Health


MA Sociology, University of Illinois, Chicago
BA Education Studies and Sociology, Macalester College

Professional Appointments:
2023-Current    Adjunct Instructor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Lake Forest
                          College (Lake Forest, IL)

2023-Current    Graduate Student Instructor, Department of Sociology, University of Illinois at
                          Chicago (Chicago, IL)
Courses Taught

Social Problems
Sociology of Sexuality
Introduction to Sociology and Anthropology

Recent Publications

Xavier  Hall, Casey D., Jessie Miller, and Lauren Brittany Beach. 2023. “Framing  Bi+ Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence: The Role of Monosexism and Bi+ Stigmas.” in Queer Victimology: Understanding the Victim Experience. Huntsville, TX: Texas Review Press.

Miller, Jessie. 2021. “The Dilemma of Double-Marginalization: Bisexual Women & Intimate Partner Violence.” Harvard Women’s Policy Journal.

Fellowships, Awards, and Grants

2021 Consultant, “Development of a Health Systems Intervention Incorporating Patient Reported Outcomes of Intersectional Stigma and Depressive Symptoms to Advance Bi+ Equity in HIV Care Cascade Outcomes,” CFAR Supplement Grant, National Institutes of Health, (with PI D’Aquila) ($213,678)

2020 Co-Investigator, “We’re Here! Identifying Bi+ Individuals’ Primary Care Needs through Collaborative Community Engaged Research,” NP3 Practice-Based Research Seed Grant, Northwestern University, (with PI’s Beach and Blum) ($25,000)

Conferences and Invited Talks

2023    "Intersections of Disability & LGBTQ Health.” Guest Lecture for Public Health 446-
               LGBTQ Health Class at Northwestern University, Chicago, IL.

2023    "Fear for Life and Threat of Firearm Perceptions: Cop and Civilian Responses to Racialized
               Photo Simulations.” Midwestern Sociological Society Conference, Minneapolis, MN.

2022    "Bi+ Activism: How to Go Beyond Just Getting Bi.” BECAUSE Conference, St. Paul, MN.

2022    "We’re Here: Making Primary Care a Safe Space for Bi+ Patients.” We’re Here Bi+ NP3
               Grant Panel, Chicago, IL (virtual).

2021    "Bi+ Activism: How to Move Beyond Just Getting Bi.” BECAUSE Conference, St. Paul, MN
 2021    "Police Abolition, Pleasure Activism, and Practices of Liberation Panel.” Queertopia
               Conference, Evanston, IL (virtual)