

Robert Holliday

Robert Holliday

Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, Emeritus


Block Designs


Elementary Cryptography


PhD Southern Illinois University (Carbondale)
MS Southern Illinois University (Carbondale)
BS University of Missouri at Rolla

Courses Taught

Computer Science 214:Digital Logic
Computer Science 213: Computer Architecture
Computer Science 417: Algorithms
Computer Science 434: Theory of Computation
Mathematics 375: Combinatorics


Author (Jointly with Lowell Carmony)—A First Course In Computer Science with Turbo Pascal, Computer Science Press 1991

Author (Jointly with Lowell Carmony)—A First Course in Modula-2, Compuer Science Press, 1990


Liars and Truthtellers:  Learning Logic from Raymond Smullyan, Math Horizons (A publication of the MAA), September, 2005

Algorithms, McGill’s Survery of Science: Physical Science, Salem Press, May, 1998

Cryptography and Public Key Cryptosystems, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, May, 1994

Some Nonexistence Results for Strongly alpha-Resolvable Designs, Congressus Numerantium, Vol 90, Nov, 199

Graph Theory in the High School Curriculum, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics—1991 Yearbook, 1991

A Scheduling Problem: Modeling, Approximate Algorithms, and Implementation, with Lowell Carmony, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, Feb, 1987