

Cristina Groeger

Tina Groeger

Associate Professor of History
Chair of Urban Studies



U.S. History
Labor and Class Politics
Latinx History 
History of Education
Immigration and Migration
Women and Gender Studies
Urban Studies


PhD in History, Harvard University
MPhil in Political Thought, University of Cambridge
BA in Social Studies, Harvard University

Courses Taught

FIYS 184: Why College? A Chicago Story
History 201:  Modern American
History 235:  American Cities
History 239:  History of Education in American Society
History 228:  Inequality and Reform, U.S. 1865-1920
Hist 288: Gender, Sex, and Power in U.S. History
History 312:  Immigration in U.S. History
Urban Studies 110:  Introduction to Urban Studies
Hist 233: Latinx Chicago
History 420: Senior Seminar: Social Movements and Reform

Selected Publications

(Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2021)


The American Historian, June 2023

History of Education Quarterly 62:2 (May 2022): 161-190

(Winner of the History of Education Henry Barnard Prize for best graduate student article)

(Review Essay)

(Introduction to Special Issue)

Book Chapters:

“Radicalism and Conservatism.” In ACompanion to the Gilded Age and Progressive Era: The Making of Modern America. Edited by Christopher Nichols and Nancy Unger, 362-378. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2017.

Book Reviews:

by Cody Dodge Ewert. Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 21:4 (October 2022): 346-348

, by Erika Kitzmiller. Planning Perspectives 37:5 (2022): 1104-1106

, by Matthew S. Williams. Teachers College Record, March 29, 2021

, by Johannes Westberg. History of Education Quarterly 58:2 (May 2018): 310-313

, by Geraldine Clifford. The New England Quarterly 88:4 (December 2015): 727-729.

Papers Presented

November 2021: “Household Labor and Immigration Policy in Early 20th-Century Chicago” Social Science History Association Conference

November 2021: “Author Meets Critic: The Education Trap: Schools and the Remaking of Inequality in Boston, by Cristina Groeger” Social Science History Association Conference

November 2021: “Schools Can’t Save Us: Cristina Groeger’s The Education Trap: Schools and the Remaking of Inequality in Boston” History of Education Conference

May 2021: “‘To Dignify Housework’: Professionalizing Household Labor in the Early-Twentieth Century United States” Labor and Working Class History Association Virtual Conference

May 2021: “Historicizing Workplace Power and the Limits of Human Capital” Labor and Working Class History Association Virtual Conference 

Nov. 2020: “Educational Growth and Worker Power in the Early Twentieth Century” History of Education Society Annual Meeting, Virtual Conference

Nov. 2019: “Measuring Social Class: Contextualizing Occupations in the 1880 U.S. Census” Social Science History Association Conference, Chicago, IL

Nov. 2019: “The Fight for a Public University in Progressive-Era Boston” History of Education Society Annual Meeting, Columbus, Ohio

April 2019 “Immigration Policy and the Politics of Household Labor in the 20th-Century,” Organization of American Historians Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA

November 2018 “Voting with their Feet:  Student and Family Perspective on Vocational Education” History of Education Society Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM.

February 2018 “Schools, Skills, and the Origins of American Social Inequality,” presented at the Newberry Seminar in Labor History, Newberry Library, Chicago, IL.

February 2018 “Urban Schools, Ethnicity, and the Mobility Ladder,” Urban History Seminar of the Chicago History Museum, Chicago, IL

January 2018 “The Science of Care: The Domestic Worker Labor Market and the Limits of Reform in Boston, 1880-1940” American Historical Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.

June 2017 “Domestic Service and Domestic Science in Progressive-Era Boston,” presented at the Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Gender and Sexualities, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY.

April 2017 “Servants and Schools: Educational Policy as Labor Policy in Progressive Era Boston,” Organization of American Historians Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA

January 2017 “Learning a Trade: The Politics of Industrial Training in Boston, 1880-1940,” American Historical Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO

November 2016 “The Female Labor Market and the Rise of Secondary Education in Boston,” Social Science History Association Conference, Chicago, IL

October 2016 “Becoming White Collar: Class, Gender, and Education in Boston, 1880-1930,” Urban History Association Conference, Chicago, IL

January 2016 “Laborers, Servants, and Schools:  Aspirations of Mobility and the Reproduction of Inequality in Boston, 1880-1940,” presentation sponsored by the Immigration and Urban History Seminar, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA

November 2015 “Worlds of Work in Late Nineteenth Century Boston,” Social Science History Association Conference, Baltimore, MD

October 2014 “The Science of Business:  Training for White-Collar Work in Boston, 1868-1930,” Society for United States Intellectual History Conference, Indianapolis, IN October 10

November 2013: “Hierarchies of Knowledge: The Changing Educational Landscape of Boston,” Society for United States Intellectual History Conference, UC Irvine, Irvine, CA November 2

Awards and Honors

2021: Thomas J. Wilson Memorial Prize for The Education Trap

2021: IPUMS USA Research Award, Institute for Social Research and Data Innovation at the University of Minnesota, for The Education Trap

2019-2020 National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship

2017 Henry Barnard Prize for Best Graduate Student Article, History of Education Society

2015-2016 National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship

2015-2016 Charles Warren Center Dissertation Research Grant, Harvard University (declined)

2015 Flaherty Visiting Fellowship, University of Massachusetts Boston

2015 Taubman Center Urban Dissertation Fellowship, Harvard Kennedy School of Government

2014 New England Regional Fellowship Consortium Grant

2014 Boston Area Research Initiative Research Seed Grant

2008 Lillian Bell Prize for Senior Thesis, History Department, Harvard University