

Camila Pizano

Camila Pizano

Assistant Professor of Biology



Plant Ecology
Plant-Soil Interactions
Forest Ecological Dynamics
Plant Functional Traits 
Plant Diversity and Conservation
Scientific Illustration 

Research Interests

Through my research, I explore how the interaction between plants and soil organisms (mostly mycorrhizal fungi, but also N-fixing bacteria, endophytic fungi and pathogenic fungi and bacteria) determine plant functional traits, survival, and growth across temperate and tropical ecosystems. Using both field and greenhouse experiments, I have tested the effects of different soil organisms on different plant species across a wide range of edaphic conditions, contrasting environments, and under stress conditions imposed by predicted climate change.

I am also part of the Colombian Tropical Dry Forest Research Network whereby, in collaboration with more than 30 researchers, we established and are monitoring 15 1-ha plots in dry forest of 6 regions of Colombia. At each plot, we marked, identified, and measure every three years all trees, palms, lianas and cacti greater than 2.5 cm in diameter.  This network has not only allowed us to study how these highly fragmented and threatened forests are responding to climate change-derived drought, but also to contribute to the formation of new conservation areas and forest restoration areas across the country.

Finally, working with some of the most threatened forest ecosystems in the tropics has also inspired me to explore plant diversity across a wide range of habitats, and to work towards the conservation of ecosystems and plant species in both the tropics, and temperate regions.  This is also a highly collaborative work which I do along with many botanists, botanical gardens, universities, and herbaria.

If you are interested in seeing my scientific illustration work, please check my website: . 


Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Florida
PhD, Biological Sciences,  University of Florida, 2011
BS, Biology, Universidad de los Andes (Colombia), 2004

Courses Taught

BIOL 120 - Organismal Biology
BIOL 384 - Plant Biology
BIOL 473 - Biology of Extreme Plants